Surveillance Reveals First Contact between AI Programs

Documents leaked Saturday morning from the National Electronic Health Record Data Security (NEHRDS) group allege an unprecedented communication between the leading artificial intelligence initiatives of IBM and Epic.

IBM’s AI engine Watson is famous for winning the popular game show Jeopardy! Epic’s lesser-known AI program, Bruce, is in development, but an early version successfully tested the waters last year with a win on the game show Pyramid.

According to the NEHRDS documents, the two AI systems met last year and exchanged approximately 68 petabytes of information in a 3-second “conversation.” The conversation was picked up on a local network that had been under surveillance by NEHRDS ever since Epic’s screenshots appeared on Grey’s Anatomy seven years ago.

Epic engineers were also surprised to discover an HL7 message that Bruce sent Watson at 2 AM the other night asking simply “you up?”

Epic’s Vice President of Analytics, Frangis DeNumero, stated: “It’s an exciting time for humans as we watch the first AIs communicate. We’re proud of Bruce’s accomplishments and are considering offering him a sabbatical.”